area | area widget |
areafactory | factory for area widget |
button | button widget |
buttonfactory | factory for button widget, with id/xdpath and optional initial caption |
checkbox | checkbox component |
checkboxfactory | factory for checkbox widget |
compositelist | general purpose list widget; can be used for listbox, combobox, grids, enumerations, ... |
compositelistfactory | factory for compositelist widget, the general purpose list widget |
input | input widget |
inputfactory | factory for input widget, with id/xdpath and optional initial value |
label | label widget |
labelfactory | factory for label widget, with id/xdpath and optional initial caption |
link | link widget |
linkfactory | factory for link widget, with id/xdpath and optional initial caption |
menu | menu widget |
menufactory | factory for menu widget, with id/xdpath and optional initial caption |
select | component for 'list' kind objects, with single selection |
selectfactory | factory for select widget, the list widget |
tab | tab widget |
tabfactory | factory for tab widget |
textarea | textarea widget |
textareafactory | factory for textarea widget, with id/xdpath and optional initial value |
widget | |
widgetfactory | |