Class compositelist
general purpose list widget; can be used for listbox, combobox, grids, enumerations, ...
- cmc\ui\widgets\widget implements cmc\core\IClonable, cmc\core\ISerializable
Direct known subclasses
Copyright: Copyright (c) Calmarsoft company (FRANCE) (
License: GNU General Public License version 3
Version: 0.9
Link: CMC Project
Located at ui/widgets/compositelist.php
Methods summary
public | |
public | # setCompositeMap( array $map, array $mapkeys = null ) specifies how to map the list shape and the fields |
protected | # OncompositeRowDOM( array $data, DOMElement $domItem ) allows custom actions on the widget, on DOM build |
protected | |
protected array | |
protected | # setDataStateAjax( type $view, mixed $ajax ) updates internal data for avoiding expensive dublicates |
protected mixed | |
protected mixed | # applyPropertyDOM( applies a property to the DOM |
public | |
public array | |
public | # dump_lineElems( mixed $view ) useful for the developer: dumps the available xpath values for an item in the composite liste (extracted from the first line which represents the 'model') |
public | # viewInitialUpdate( default widget's implementation of the static part of update |
public | |
public | |
public | |
public | # setDataQuery( type $sess, type $qry ) assigns a datasource to the compositelist for automatic input handling |
public | # setCompData( Iterator $data ) assigns the data object (for example an array of associative arrays) |
public | |
public | |
public | |
public |
Methods inherited from cmc\ui\widgets\widget
, AddWidgetEventListener()
, DOMGetAttr()
, DOMGetNodeAttr()
, DOMGetText()
, DOMPutNodeAttr()
, DOMRemoveAttr()
, DOMSetHtml()
, DOMSetText()
, DOMUpdateAttr()
, OnUnserialize()
, OnWidgetEvent()
, POSTupdatedata()
, addEventLocal()
, addEventPost()
, addScriptCode()
, addValidation()
, bClearDynamic()
, bDynamic()
, bOption()
, bSetDynamic()
, disable()
, enable()
, getAjaxData()
, getCaption()
, getEnabled()
, getFrame()
, getName()
, getProperty()
, getScriptCode()
, getValue()
, getVisible()
, hide()
, modelPropertyDOM()
, setCaption()
, setConstants()
, setEnabled()
, setFrame()
, setHTML()
, setJSObject()
, setJSObjectParms()
, setName()
, setOptions()
, setProperty()
, setPropertyDatasource()
, setPropertyQuery()
, setValue()
, setVisible()
, show()
, unsetOptions()
, viewAttach()
Methods inherited from cmc\core\IClonable
Magic methods summary
Constants summary
string | prop_Data | 'compData' | |
string | factory |
| |
string | matchVar | '/[$]{([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9%_\-]*)}|[$]([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9%]*)/' |
Constants inherited from cmc\ui\widgets\widget
, jqueryFocus
, jqueryHighlight
, jqueryHover
Properties summary
protected array | $_composite_map | |
protected mixed | $_composite_mapkeys |
Properties inherited from cmc\ui\widgets\widget
, $_bDynamic
, $_composcript
, $_constants
, $_currwview
, $_dftTagId
, $_domid
, $_jsObj
, $_jsObjParms
, $_matDynamic
, $_name
, $_options
, $_preupdate
, $_properties
, $_wviews