Class DatabaseException
- Exception
Namespace: cmc\
db Located at db/DatabaseException.php
Methods summary
public | |
public | |
public | |
public | # __construct( string $errcode, type $message = null, type $natcode = null, type $natmsg = null, type $code = null, type $previous = null ) Parameters - $errcode
string $errcode code that corresponds to the message - $message
type $natcode native error code - $natcode
type $natmsg native error message - $natmsg
type $message message from source - $code
type $code error location - $previous
type $previous Overrides |
Methods inherited from Exception
, getCode()
, getFile()
, getLine()
, getMessage()
, getPrevious()
, getTrace()
, getTraceAsString()
Magic methods summary
Constants summary
string | className | __CLASS__ | |
Properties summary
protected mixed | $_errcode | |
protected mixed | $_natcode | |
protected mixed | $_natmsg | |
Properties inherited from Exception
, $file
, $line
, $message